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Board of Trustees Meeting – 2014.07.14

Board members in attendance: Linda Cappello, Crystal Catchings, Paula Gross, Luanne Holper, Sy Korte, Susan Meister, Michele Stacey-Doyle, Melissa Tinzmann and Miranda Wright-Kauffmann.  Librarian, Kelly Wilhelm, attended the meeting.


  1. Call to order & roll call
    Meeting called to order by Susan Meister, president, at 7:00 p.m.

Susan reported that she visited the Cairo Public Library and brought a brochure for review by the board.

  1. Welcome to Guest & Public Comment

No guests or public comments.

  1. President Report and Directors Report
    Documents were opened for discussion since both documents were sent prior to the meeting.  No discussion.  Both reports were accepted as written.
  2. Secretary’s report
  • Correction to the June 9 meeting minutes for a typographical error: motion on page three should read motioned. Paula Gross motioned for minutes of the June 9 board meeting to be approved as corrected.  Luanne Holper seconded.  Motion approved unanimously.
  • Policy & Procedure Committee minutes of July 9 meeting were presented.  Michele Stacy-Doyle recommended adding the meeting time.  Sy Korte motioned, Melissa Tinzmann seconded.  Motion approved unanimously.
  1. Financial report
  • Luanne Holper, treasurer, provided the monthly financial report.  Some county tax money has arrived for this year.  Two reports were provided to outline the bills and the payroll.  Unusual expense of carpet cleaning for the air conditioner leak on Monday, July 7.  Miranda Wright-Kauffmann motioned to pay the bills as presented.  Michele Stacy-Doyle seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.
  • Library had about $5,000 remaining from tax money from last year.  This money will be moved to the reserve account per the ordinance approved by the board.  Of note, the per capita grant we received for the next fiscal year must be included in the financial reports for prior fiscal year per guidance from the auditor.
  • Luanne noted the library may exceed budgeted amount in personnel expenses since we are now handling the payroll expenses.   Discussion of impact to the budget was held.  Susan Meister requested Luanne Holper determine the financial impact and report back to at the next meeting.


  1. Unfinished Business
    1. 501c3 discussion, continued
      The Illinois Library Association (ILA) would be a temporary solution until the Friends of the Lebanon Library obtain their own 501c3.  Michele Stacy-Doyle motioned that Lebanon Library uses the 501c3 through the ILA in order to access grant funding.  Linda Cappello seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.
    2. Strategic Planning Meeting Details
      Kelly Wilhelm, Michele Stacey-Doyle and Susan Meister will meet with the facilitator prior to our meeting to prepare the agenda for the day.  Meeting will be held Saturday, July 26 from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Staff will be asked to complete the assessment of the current services to include if we should offer more or less of this type of service .  Additionally staff will be asked for their perceived obstacles of current services. Board members are asked to complete this same assessment and bring completed document with them to the retreat.  Board members were challenged to think of who our community partners could be engaged to help us accomplish our goals.  Susan Meister will draft a letter to the staff and ask them to complete the form by the deadline.
    3. Pet Blessing, October 4
      Request has been rescinded by Susan Meister.

Additional topic of discussion – Michele Stacey-Doyle requested a new library board and staff listing.   Susan Meister will provide at next meeting for all board members.

  1. New Business
    1. Illinois Library Association (ILA) Membership
      Confirmed this membership is current for the library.  There is no need to act upon request to join ILA. No action required.
    2. Notice of Determination of Prevailing Wage Rates was adopted by motion from Michele Stacy-Doyle.  Miranda Wright-Kauffmann seconded.  Motion approved unanimously.
      Susan Meister and Luanne Holper signed on behalf of the board.
    3. Using for ebooks
      A new program for available for ebooks through the Secretary of State.  Some libraries are using this in conjunction with the Overdrive program.  Kelly Wilhelm will do some additional research and bring a recommendation to the next meeting.
    4. Storage space discussion

A constant discussion is underway with city hall about the lack of storage space.  Currently a large portion of our storage is dedicated to the book storage for the annual book sale held during Fall Festival.  It was noted that receiving and storing books is a daunting task left to the staff to complete.  Discussion held of using for a 50/50 profit split of books they are willing to accept based on information available through their website.   Library would have to ship 20 boxes (the size of a case of printer paper) at one time for this service.  Melissa Tinzmann motioned that we use as the first source of book sale fundraiser.  Sy Korte seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously. Volunteers will be used to cull the current books set aside for the sale.

Melissa Tinzmann proposed a book community outreach event rather than a traditional book sale at this year’s fall festival.  We will further refine this idea at future meetings.  Paula seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Kelly Wilhelm reported that shelves currently in paid storage will be consolidated.  Luanne Holper noted that the storage space is paid for six months.  Ideally we would be able stop using the space once the lease is over.

    1. Personnel Committee Appointments
      Sy Korte, Melissa Tinzman and Susan Meister have been appointed as members of the personnel committee.
    2. Purchase of software to keep our computers virus free and allow for erasure of patron searches/data

The software would be a per computer license; it is possible to run this from one master computer (administrative computer).  We would use this on six computers within the library.  Motion made to spend $396 for deep freeze software made by Melissa Tinzmann and seconded by Sy Korte.  Motion approved unanimously.

    1. Bereavement policy there was discussion if this was a maximum annual amount or per individual implementation.  The policy is written that it will be enacted upon occurrence.  Further review and potential revision of this policy was deferred to the policy and procedure committee.


Corresponding Secretary’s Report

Paula Gross reported that she sent a welcome to the team and thanks for the window art to Genevieve, thank you to the rotary and Lion’s Club.  Additional thank you to Warren Richter for help to clean after the air conditioner leak.


Kelly Wilhlem noted that Genevieve, staff member, will do the cleaning at her standard hourly rate while Brenda, cleaning service, is on a planned vacation.


Motion to adjourn made by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann and seconded by Michele Stacey-Doyle.  Meeting adjourned at at 8:42 p.m.


Submitted by,



Miranda Wright-Kauffmann

Recording Secretary