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Board of Trustees Meeting – 2014.09.08

Meeting called to order by Susan Meister, president, at 7 p.m. at the Lebanon Public Library.

Board members in attendance: Linda Cappello, Paula Gross, Luanne Holper, Sy Korte, Susan Meister, Michele Stacey-Doyle, Melissa Tinzmann and Miranda Wright-Kauffmann.  Crystal Catchings, board member, was unable to attend the meeting.  Kelly Wilhelm, librarian, attended the meeting.

President’s Report, Director’s Report and minutes of the August 25 marketing committee meeting were distributed prior to the meeting.  Michele Stacey-Doyle motioned to accept the reports as written.  Sy Korte seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Miranda Wright-Kauffmann, recording secretary, presented the board minutes of the August 11 meeting.  A correction was noted in the draft copy.  Paula Gross motioned to accepted the minutes as corrected.  Linda Cappello seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Paula Gross, corresponding secretary, reported that thank you notes will be sent to the family and friends of Jean Pier for memorial donations received by the library.

Luanne Holper, treasurer, provided financial reports included a corrected report for August 11.  The adjustment necessary for the August financial report was to the balance of the personnel account.  The distributed information should include that it’s income from August for the September 8 meeting.  The income report has a new format.  No income to report from at this time.  To date five boxes have been delivered to   Library bill report is now in a new format also.  The rent indicated on the bill report is rent for May-October 2014.  The previous rent concern was addressed and found to be payment for the prior fiscal year. Motion to approve bills as presented made by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann.  Motion seconded Melissa Tinzmann.  Motion approved unanimously.

Michele Stacey-Doyle provided an update on the work to develop a mission statement.  Mission statements should include both what we want to do and what we currently do.  Melissa Tinzmann proposed “The mission of the Lebanon Public Library is to provide information and resources for all, promote an attitude of lifelong learning, foster a love of reading for all ages, and enrich the quality of life in the Lebanon community.” to be the new mission statement.  Michele Stacey-Doyle seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Susan Meister did research about the current tax levy for the library.  It was determined the currently the library does not tax to the total amounts available.  Tax levy must be approved by December.  We need to determine our proposal during the October meeting.

In the past month, Susan Meister and Kelly Wilhelm, librarian, met with LeRoy Dawson regarding the former Catholic grade school and attended the economic development council.   According to the state library our ideal library size would be 5,000 square feet.  The old Catholic grade school has approximately 5,000 square feet per level.   Kelly will bring a proposal for an independent assessment for property feasibility at the next meeting for board consideration.  Melissa proposed a bid on razing the building and starting over on the same piece of property.   Additionally, information will be obtained about renting space in Lebanon Commons.

Board members were asked to sign up for a volunteer shift to sell children’s book and paper backs.

Miranda Wright-Kauffmann to send Michele Stacey-Doyle an electronic copy of the draft policy book. Michele will distribute to the board for their review prior to the next meeting.  If you want a printed copy let Susan Meister know.   Next step once the policy book is approved the board will work on survey of the community.

Tabled e-reader program update and marketing list and priorities discussions for a future meeting.

Kelly Wilhelm reported that one board member needs to volunteer to complete Edge training.  Melissa Tinzmann will volunteer to complete this training prior to the next board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Miranda Wright-Kauffmann

Recording Secretary