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Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, December 8, 2014

Board members in attendance: Linda Cappello, Crystal Catchings, Paula Gross, Luanne Holper, Sy Korte, Melissa Tinzmann, and Miranda Wright-Kauffmann.  Kelly Wilhelm, Librarian, attended the meeting, as did guests Al Gerdes, Sue Knepper, David Porter, and Russ Stroot.

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann.

The resignation of Michele Stacey-Doyle and Susan Meister was announced.  Applications for board vacancies will be made available to the community.  The deadline for these applications will be January 31, 2015.  The applicants will be considered at our February 9, 2015 meeting.  Officer elections will also be held in February.  In the interim, Miranda Wright-Kauffmann will serve as acting board president.

  1. Welcome Guests
  1. Presentation by Mr. Stroot

Russ Stroot (and the group with which he is affiliated) owns 10 acres south of the high school athletic fields and west of the former Hardee’s restaurant, west of IL Route 4.  This land is available for the library to purchase, if we are interested in pursuing it as a possible location for a new building.  The land consists of two parcels, but the owners would like to sell it as one parcel.  Sewer and water has been ran to the property.  If we determine that we are interested in the land, but are unable to act on it immediately, we should inform Mr. Stroot.

  1. Others

The other guests, Al Gerdes, Sue Knepper, and David Porter were also welcomed at the meeting.

  1. Tax Levy for 2015

We have met with the city regarding next year’s tax levy.  The combined levy figures are underneath the maximum increase amount allowed without a Truth in Taxation hearing.  Although we could ask for a higher amount, we are sharing the opportunity to increase with the city.  It will take us two years to increase to the amount we’d like to be at, but this allows both us and the city to increase without pushing us over the limit.  Sy Korte motioned to raise our tax levy to the amount we agreed upon with City Hall.  Motion seconded by Linda.  Motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.

Russ Stroot exited the meeting.

  1. Friends Group

Sue Knepper spoke about some of the projects the Friends of the Library group would like to work on.  One of their goals is to create small free-standing “libraries” (book exchange posts).  These would be small weather-resistant boxes with books inside.  Patrons could both take books and leave books for others to use.  The books available would be donated books, not books from within the library’s normal circulation.  The small libraries would be located in area parks.  A volunteer would need to go out to the libraries approximately once a month to clean it up and restock it as necessary.  Because the Friends of the Library group is not yet a separate entity, they require our approval to begin this project.  Motion made by Melissa Tinzmann and seconded by Luanne Holper to support the Friends of the Library as they pursue this endeavor.  Motion approved.

  1. President’s Report

Miranda Wright-Kauffmann will meet with our former president.  Miranda will remove Susan Meister’s name from our bank’s signature card and will add hers until new officers are elected. She will handle the return of Susan’s keys.

  1. Director’s Report

Kelly Wilhelm reported that as a result of the recent robbery, we have changed our policy regarding our cash drawer (we now keep less of it on hand).

  1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
  1. October 13 Board Meeting:  Motion made to approve the meeting minutes as amended by Sy Korte and seconded by Crystal Catchings.  Motion approved.
  1. November 10 Marketing Committee Meeting:  Motion made to approve the meeting minutes by Luanne Holper and seconded by Paula Gross.  Motion approved.
  1. November 10 Board Meeting:  Motion made to approve the meeting minutes by Luanne Holper and seconded by Linda Cappello.  Motion approved.
  1. December 1 Personnel Committee minutes:  Motion made to approve the meeting minutes by Luanne Holper and seconded by Sy Korte.  Motion approved.
  1. Corresponding Secretary’s Report

Thank you notes were sent to two individuals for their financial donations.

  1. Financial Report

The amount shown for the Homefield Energy (utilities), Charter Communications (internet and telephone), and City of Lebanon (rent) bills are estimated amounts, as we have not yet received the monthly bills for the actual amount.  Motion made to pay the bills by Melissa Tinzmann and seconded by Sy Korte.  Motion approved.

Although it appears that an annuity is maturing on 12/18/14, it is actually a seven year annuity, with six years at a rate of (4.9%), and one year at a rate of 3%.  We are at the end of the first six years, and are required to leave the money in for one more year, at which time it can be either renewed or moved elsewhere.


  1. Old Business
  1. Property Updates

We will plan to discuss the properties available to us at our January meeting.

  1. Policy Manual Updates

We will need to update the portion of the policy regarding the part time leave earnings.  Luanne Holper will research this and bring a recommendation at a future meeting.

  1. Discussion regarding becoming a district

Kelly has been trying to find another library which can provide us with more first-hand info.

  1. Surveys

Paula Gross reported that out of the 31 surveys returned, all but two of the responders have library cards.  Some people come to our library daily, some weekly, and very few come less frequently than once a month.  Customer service was given a vote of excellent.  There were very few complaints, and nothing was rated “poor” by anyone.  People want more after-school programs, classes, and story time for kids.  The features that were valued the most included our customer service, children’s book selection, large print book selection, and our quiet, comfortable, and safe location.  Most indicated that they would be in favor of the library to a new location.  Some indicated that a computer room, more books, and establishing a book club could be other possible improvements.

  1. Unresolved year end issues

Sue Knepper indicated that she would help with obtaining grants to benefit our summer reading program.  The Illinois Library Association has a 501c3 number which can be used to get a grant for these programs, but a small percentage of the grant awarded would go back to the ILA. Motion made by Luanne Holper and seconded by Linda Cappello that we complete the ILA Designated Charitable Fund Agreement paperwork.  Motion approved.

  1. New Business
  1. Staff and Volunteer “Thank You” Dinner

Motion made by Luanne Holper and seconded by Paula Gross that the library will pay for the volunteer Thank You Dinner meals not to exceed $10/meal.  Motion approved.

  1. Grant report – state contact

Kelly Wilhelm reported that Mary Downing of the state of Illinois reminded her that there is grant money available for building construction.

  1. Hiring Grant Writers for Upcoming Grants and Projects

Hired grant writers are either paid as a percentage out of the successful grant awarded, or by a fixed wage.  When we eventually want to ask for larger grants, it would probably be more beneficial to us if we invest in an experienced grant writer.  Sue Knepper will research hiring either a pro bono writer or a percentage-based writer.

  1. Future plans
  1. Short Term – Kelly Wilhelm will coordinate with Miranda Wright-Kauffmann regarding contact with the city’s representative for minor maintenance items.  We need to better secure the door leading from the meeting area to the bathroom.
  1. Temporary location – At one point we had discussed the possibility of moving to a temporary site, but one site we had researched (the Lebanon Commons building) is too costly for us to consider.

Motion made by Luanne Holper and seconded by Crystal Catchings that we take the survey down off of our website.  Motion approved.

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn by Sy Korte and seconded by Melissa Tinzmann.  Motion approved – meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa Tinzmann

Acting Recording Secretary