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Board of Trustees Meeting – 2013.04.08

Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees

Meeting Date: April 8, 2013

Board Vice President Betty Willyard oversaw the regularly scheduled meeting of the Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees on Monday, April 8, 2013 at 7 p.m. Other members physically present: Samantha Rogers, Luanne Holper, Miranda Wright-Kauffmann and Kelly Wilhelm (Librarian). Members absent: Jeff Gray, Rick Gale, Sy Korte, Paula Gross and Susan Meister. Quorum was not reached; no official actions were taken during this meeting.

Miranda Wright-Kauffmann agreed to serve as Recording Secretary pro-tem for this meeting.

City Alderman, Jim Horneman attended the meeting. He provided an apology for difficulties between the library and city hall. He assured us that he will transition the oversight of the library portion of the building to his successor following the election. Luanne Holper questioned if the rent would be raised for the next budget year. Mr. Horneman expressed surprise that no one had a copy of the lease. He stated that nothing was approved to cause an increase in the rent and that we would need a lease before that action would be taken.

Minutes of the March 11, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Miranda Wright-Kauffmann made a suggestion that we include the amount of the donations received in future copies of the minutes. These minutes were not approved due to quorum.

Librarian’s Report

The Librarian’s Report was submitted by Kelly Wilhlem and reviewed:

Polaris system Go Live! Day is tomorrow. All libraries Go Live! simultaneously tomorrow. The new delivery hub will be located in Edwardsville.

Card catalog computer will be installed this week at the front table.

Our per capita grant will be in the amount of $4,540.16.

Yarn group will start meeting on April 16, 2013 on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon.

City is planning to build a hallway to connect our restroom and library according to city administrator. After April 9, we are to contact Mr. Hornemann with building and lease questions. A piece of carpet was installed between the back door and current bathroom. There is concern that the floor under the carpet is uneven and needs to be leveled.

McKendree University is doing a Scholastic book fundraiser with the library on April 17.

AC Computers has helped with a software upgrade to Win 7 Pro on one computer. The work was done free of charge.



Al Gerdes submitted his invoice for payment associated with website development. Before the submission Al noted a change was necessary; an updated invoice will be submitted tomorrow. The invoice includes technical support for the website through 12/31/2013. The website would be hosted through 11/28/2014. If an upgrade is needed for the host due to storage, it is not included in the bid. Mr. Gerdes noted there has been a 30% increase in website usage in the last six months. Kelly noted she would send the hyperlink that needs to be updated to Al for Polaris today. Mr. Gerdes noted that he is accepting ideas if you see ideas of other websites that you like and would like incorporated into the library website, please pass the information along.

Luanne Holper and Kelly Wilhelm approved the bills to be paid.

Treasurer’s Report

Luanne Holper explained the status of the budget. Next year’s budget has been submitted for consultation to the city; no feedback has been provided at this time. It was noted that e-rate should be removed. We no longer receive this due to the change in our telephone provider. Luanne noted that she is donating QuickBooks software to the library.

Luanne requested feedback on the current budget reports. Due to the software change, if different formats would work better please let her know before the next budget year. Discussion was held of the idea to grant authorization for Luanne to pay recurring bills not to exceed certain amounts so that board action was not required at each meeting for reoccurring expenses. This idea will be further considered at a later date.

Old Business

Kelly Wilhelm reported that we are no longer associated with LazerWare. AC Computer is now our technical support. LazerWare still needs to provide keys for the computers in the library so we can access them. Kelly will update the antivirus on the computers in the library soon.

New Business

A reminder that each board member is required to complete the statement of economic interest through the State of Illinois website prior to the May 1, 2013 deadline; according to the letter if you need additional information contact Chris at 618-825-2376.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m.

Submitted by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann, recording secretasry pro tem.