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Board of Trustees Minutes – 2013.05.13

Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes of May 13, 2013

Board President Jeff Gray called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees on Monday, May 13 at 7 p.m. to order. Other members physically present: Betty Willyard, Paula Gross, Susan Meister, Sy Korte, Miranda Wright-Kauffmann and Kelly Wilhem (librarian). Members absent: Samantha Rogers, Luanne Holper, and Rick Gale.

Miranda Wright-Kauffmann was appointed to serve as recording secretary pro-tem for this meeting.

Minutes from March – Susan Meister motioned, Sy seconded, motion unanimously approved.

Librarian’s Report

See report provided by Kelly.

MOTION: That Librarian, Kelly Wilhem, be allowed to use a library copy of Microsoft Office and Polaris on her home laptop. Susan Meister motioned, Miranda Wright-Kauffmann seconded. Motion unanimously approved.

Discussion regarding shelves in the front of the library which need to be replaced. MOTION: Shelves in the front of the library to be replaced at Kelly’s discretion at a cost not to exceed $1,200. Sy Korte, motioned, Susan Meister seconded. Motion unanimously approved. If the cost will exceed $1,200, Kelly should return to seek additional board approved funds.

DVDs and Large Print labels will be redone. There is no additional capital outlay.

Susan asked for feedback following the Polaris instillation. Kelly stated there was a forum that we can provide feedback. We have given feedback that the icons need to be larger. They will change that in six months. Everyone is doing well. There have been extra hours given by staff for training.

Discussion on if there have been any downsides of leaving LazerWare; none have been realized. We are still waiting on the key to open the machine. They have been informed that we expect the key.

In Luanne’s absence, Kelly presented the financial reports. MOTION: To pay the bills as presented. Sy Korte motioned, Susan Meister seconded. Motion unanimously approved.

Old Business

Policies and procedures:
1. Circulation – Length of Loans

Discussion on the renewal of eReaders. Should be reader be allowed to renewed? eReader once if no one is waiting. Renewal must be in person. MOTION to approve the Circulation – Length of Loans Policy as presented. Susan Meister motioned, Paula Gross seconded. Motion unanimously approved.

2. Hours of Operation
MOTIONtoapprovetheHoursofOperationpolicyaspresented. SyKortemotioned,JeffGray seconded. Motion unanimously approved.

3. Unattended Children After Hours
Discussion held on this policy by members. Proposed changing the title to Patrons Who Remain After Hours

Modification to the proposed policy will read “in the event of patron who is waiting for an adult or a ride, is still at the library 15 minutes after the library closes to the public, the police will be called. Attempts will be made during that 15 minutes to reach parent or responsible party but in no instance will staff take patron home or provide transportation to the patron’s next destination.”

MOTION to approve the Patrons Who Remain AfterHours policy as modified. SusanMeister motioned, Sy Korte seconded. Motion unanimously approved.


No business was covered in this section of the bylaws.

New Business

Susan Mesiter provided an update on her meeting with the mayor. She mentioned that we need more space. He wanted to let the board know that he is in favor of the library. He appreciates our contributions to the community. He said, things are in the works but he couldn’t specify at this time. She asked who would serve as the liaison for the library. Mayor Wilkens offered to serve as our liaison. He does prefer to meet people face to face. Suggested that we hand deliver a copy of the minutes and stay in touch with him. Samantha Rogers our newest board members still needs to be appointed by the mayor. Kelly will work to have this appointment made.

Extra computers were purchased from McKendree. Since there are waiting lines for the computer could we use the extra computers that are available but need additional monitors. The internet could be run to those computers. Kelly asked if they could be placed on the front table. Kelly recommended two additional stations in addition to the previously discussed card catalog computer. It was suggested that we ask Al first if he by chance has monitors available to donated. MOTION made to purchase two additional monitors not to exceed $250. Miranda Wright-Kuffmann motioned, Susan Meister seconded and was unanimously approved. We will continue the one-hour usage period.

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.