Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, January 13, 2014
Attendees: Paula Gross, Luanne Holper, Sy Korte, Susan Meister, Samantha Rogers, and Miranda Wright-Kauffmann.
Not in Attendance: none
Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Susan Meister at 7:02 p.m.
Proposed Bylaw Amendments
Miranda Wright-Kauffmann proposed two amendments to the bylaws at the December meeting. Amendments were reviewed and voted upon.
Amendment 1: Quorum of the board of trustees meeting shall consist of the majority of currently filled trustee positions.
Miranda Wright-Kauffmann motioned to approve the amendment as proposed. Luanne Holper seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
Amendment 2: Two elected officers of the board, excluding the treasurer, may authorize payment of bills in the event a meeting cannot be held.
Miranda Wright-Kauffmann motioned to approve the amendment as proposed. Sy Korte seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
Board Member Resignations
Rick Gale submitted his letter of resignation effective 12/15/13. Susan requested a thank you be sent for his service by Paula Gross.
Designation of Recording Secretary (pro tem)
Secretary’s Report
a. Reconsideration of the minutes of September 9, 2013
The board
Motion by Paula Gross to approve the minutes as amended. Susan Meister seconded the motion.
Unanimous approval of the motion.
- Minutes of November 11, 2013Motion to approve made by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann. Motion was seconded by Paula Gross.
Unanimous approval of the motion.
- December 9, 2013Motion to approve minutes as written by Sy Korte. Motion was seconded by Samantha Rogers. Unanimous approval of the motion.
Correspondence, Communications & Public Comments
Paula Gross read thank you notes from Heather Helfrich, Brenda Hermanson, Martha Korte, Elaine Stiegert and Kelly Wilhelm. Paula reported thank you notes for board service were sent to Jeff and Betty.
Library Director’s Report
Kelly Wilhelm presented the following report.
- Attended school board meeting on December 11. School board will let us know which building may be gifted in the future. Currently two buildings are under consideration. Lebanon schools plan to vacate over the Christmas 2014 holiday. We could offer input on which building would best serve our needs. It was noted that a representative of the library should attend school board meetings from this point forward.
- Color printing volume is low. The board determined an ink jet printer would serve our needs. Motion to purchase ink jet printer not to exceed $200 made by Sy Korte. Motion was seconded by Paula Gross. Board approved the motion unanimously.
- Motion that library director can dispose of unused or unnecessary equipment with a value of less than $50 without board approval was made by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann. The motion was seconded Luanne Holper. Unanimous approval of the motion.
- Kelly informed us that we have three computers that need to be upgraded to 64 bit computers. Motion to sell three computer and use proceeds to purchase two new computers without an out-of- pocket cost less than $300 made by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann. Luanne Holper seconded the motion. Unanimous approval of the motion.
- Summer reading program theme will be provided using existing materials. Summer running program will be in June and July.
- Kelly would like to try three new programs in the future.
o Heirloom seed saving program. Kelly will meet with garden club to see if they can assist with this program. The library has received a donation of a card catalog and we will purchase an additional card catalog for $1. Publicity articles will be placed in local newspapers and on our website about this program.
o Geocaching location will be sponsored by library.
o Free little library idea brought to us by Stacey McPeek Smith. Summerfield location considered or a location on the east side of town. Board will request the friends of the library group to undertake this project.
- Asked the board consider spending application fee for Friends of the Library to become a recognizednonprofit organization.
- Activities planned in the future to generate the pubic to gain new library cards.
- Kelly has submitted a request to determine ebook utilization. Kelly is attending a Polaris report writing class on Friday in Mascoutah.Financial Report
Luanne Holper reported:
o New rate for property and liability insurance will be $453 annually. Presentation of new insurance policy will happen in March.
o Motion to pay the bills as presented by Sy Korte. Samantha Rogers seconded. Unanimous approval of motion.
o Annuity will come due for renewal in February. We will vote on the renewal at the next meeting.
o All library accounts currently have Susan Meister and Luanne Holper’s signature. Both keys for lock box are located one with Luanne and one will be kept in the library files. Susan and Luanne’s signatures are approved for library safety deposit box.
Old Business
- Susan Meister reported that board members will be grouped into classes to determine the expiration of their term. Class of 2013: Sy Korte, Susan Meister and Miranda Wright-Kauffmann. Class of 2014: Samantha Rogers, Luanne Holper and one vacancy. Class of 2015: Paula Gross with two vacancies.
- Susan Meister provided an update on the 1/10 meeting with the mayor. Susan will submit a formal report to be attached to the minutes.
- Susan Meister will work directly with Alderwoman Cheri Wright for library/city hall matters. All communications will be in writing.
- Bathroom concerns will be resolved in February 2014. Key utilization to use the restroom will be logged. Miranda Wright-Kauffmann requested that we communicate with Alderwoman Wright that advance notice required for construction activities since a bookcase would need to move. Additionally, we may need to close the library on construction dates. Kelly will make the decision if the library needs to close due to construction.
- Susan Meister will ask for insurance of items stored in Mayor Wilken’s storage area. Property liability insurance concerns were unable to be addressed.
- Decision for payroll through the library rather the city hall will be postponed until first quarter.
- PPRT city attorney agrees we are owed money for 2014. This will be figured out and we should receive ~$150 per month. City attorney has stated we may be owed money from prior years. The mayor stated the prior taxes “will be handled in a fair and ethical manner”. The money that is owed may be handled through the building lease. Susan Meister and Alderwoman Wright are to develop a resolution to this issue.
- A question remains to determine if library employees are city employees. The answer to this question may impact our future payroll obligations.
- Kelly is starting to update the policy book. The policy and bylaws committee will meet to review and bring to the February meeting. Policies should be emailed at least a week in advance for consideration at the next meeting. Bylaws could be presented at the next meeting and then voted on in March.New Business
Motion to dissolve technology committee made by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann. Future recommendations will be made by librarian to the board. Sy Korte seconded the motion. Motion received unanimous approval.Comments from the Board President
• Thank you to everyone for their patience. Consider the questions at the end of the agenda to develop goals for 2014.
Director Evaluation
- Overall comments were very positive and appreciative of the work that Kelly does on behalf of the library. Kelly will share her goals for 2014 and the board will provide input. We recognize that much work is placed on Kelly’s shoulders and she does a remarkable job.
- Susan mentioned developing board liaison positions so not all responsibilities fall on her shoulders.Board Interviews
Applications were received from many individuals. Due to volume of applications, interviews will be conducted. Suggestions were given to send interview questions to Susan Meister by email. Susan will schedule interviews 1/27 from 5-7 p.m with Sy Korte. If an additional day for interviews is required they will be held on 1/28 with Miranda Wright-Kaufmann. Susan will make interview arrangements. Recommendation and vote on new board members will be taken in February. Those not accepted will be encouraged to be involved in the friends of the library.
Motion to adjourn made by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann. Motion seconded by Sy Korte. Motion approved unanimously.
Minutes submitted by Miranda Wright-Kauffmann